City & Islington College Photography Exhibition

A group of emerging Photographers from the City & Islington College will be exhibiting their recent work at John Jones London on 15th to 18th June 2011.

Working in a range of styles and subject matter, this showcase of images represents the culmination of two years spent developing their abilities through the course’s vocational style programme of study. This final body of work serves as a public announcement of their arrival as professional photographers.

To support The Teenage Cancer Trust, the students are staging a charity print auction at the private view from 6pm to 8pm on Wednesday 15 June 2011. 12 Lots will be on offer on the evening at a Live Auction starting at 6.45pm.

With Auction start prices at £30, buyers will have the opportunity to acquire a beautiful and unique Framed Fine Art Print by an up and coming photographic talent whilst simultaneously supporting the important work of this fantastic charity.

The works to be auctioned will be on public display at John Jones from 13th until 15th June. Alternatively all of the prints can be viewed at Print Auction where secure advance bids can also be left by those who can’t make it on the evening.

For further details and location:

John Jones Map

Terry Sims City and Islington College
02077008688 [email protected]