Holloway Arts Festival 2013 brought people a holiday within Holloway from 1 - 8 June. The sun came out for Mayton Street Festival on Saturday 1 June and plenty of people joined us to experience the atmosphere of the British seaside through a riot of eclectic music, performance and activities. Thanks to everyone who came along to events, many of which were sold out.

We're looking forward to 2014 already!

Holloway Arts Festival is produced by Rowan Arts and was established in 2003  - join the mailing list to keep up with the latest news, events and activities.

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Listen to Project Adorno

We're making a new song available from festival Guest Curators Project Adorno each week until the end of the Holloway Arts Festival 2013. Follow us on twitter for the latest releases.

Wednesday 12 June

Back in the office with Holloway Arts Festival over for another year, this Project Adorno song only seems fitting...

Office Politics

Friday 7 June

Get in the a nostalgic mood for tonight's screening of Derek Jarman's The Last of England with a listen to Project Adorno's London Street Cafe

London Street Cafe

Wednesday 29 May

Fingers crossed we get good weather for the festival's kick-off this weekend!

We can't help but think of this Project Adorno classic in weather like this...

National Trust

Friday 24 May

In recognition of all things Jeremy...


Friday 17 May

It's World Telecommunication and Information Society Day! Celebrate with a listen to Library, performed live at the Edinburgh Fringe Show Dr Dewey Decimal in the house of Vaudeville


Friday 10 May

Happy birthday for tomorrow, Jeremy Paxman! (Courtesy of Project Adorno)

Mr Paxman

Wednesday 1 May

2013 is Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary - celebrate Project Adorno style with their song Tom Baker. Who's your favourite Doctor?

Tom Baker

Friday 26 April

To get you in the mood for Lyrics in Libraries, have a listen to Shiny Happy Libraries

Shiny Happy Library

If you want to get involved and find out more, please contact us at [email protected]

Click here for more information about our previous festivals.